May 28, 2015 Axis Deviation, 2015
Radio play

Award-winning radio play of a radio drama contest initiated by LRT.
Radio play Axis Deviation by Vaiva Grainytė is set as a driving class. The structure of quotidian and witty dialogues between the female Student and the male Driving Instructor are based on the 18th century poem The Season written by Lutheran priest Kristijonas Donelaitis. Axis Deviation tackles the topic of ecology, environmental awareness and opens up ideological clashes of different generations. Aiming to diminish theatricality of predominant acting style and to reject steril studio sound, the play by the creative team was authentically recorded on an actual car drive.
Director: Saulė Norkutė
Sound director: Vladas Dieninis
Commissioned by Lithuanian National Radio and Television, broadcasted on LRT
Student: Gabrielė Malinauskaitė
Driving Instructor: Vidmantas Vielkauskas
Radio voices: Ana Miščenko, Jolanta Kryževičienė
See also:
→ (in LT)